Orange PI with 4.2.2 and 3.4.109
Edited by igorpec at 2015-10-1 21:02Everything what works by default + wirele + ...
Wifi driver is "staging" so quality is unknown. I made few tests and it was working ... please report if there are troubles.
Download and details:
I compile full pack on Orange Pi (the one with A20): Wheezy, Jessie and Trusty, both kernels, wireless driver.:D
Do you plan to make an image for Orangepi Plus?
Of course but dunno when. A lot of work need to be done before we'll have a decent kernel.
I just received my Pi Plus board yesterday. Hi,
I commented on your web but I'm also commenting here. I received my Orange Pi Plus and then realized that it isn't exactly same architecture as Orange Pi. I'd like to help you to port Debian to the new architecture and I'm offering my help (I'm an embedded firmware engineer) but I also think that if you need help we could give a call for help here in case anyone is interested.
Cheers and thanks for your awesome work.
Edited by igorpec at 2015-4-30 11:55
Thanks, I appreciate your willingness!
Huh. At this point we don't know much. H3 reminds me on A80 (Cubieboard 4) ... where everything we got is partially working SDK and Android on internal flash. After months there is some progress with mainline kernel and people could boot the board. I haven't got that far yet since the board sits in the drawer :(
H3 is better in one way - it's a budget chip so more people will play with it.
I think the best way is to collect and sort data about H3 - what is available now, how is H3 compared to A31 and others ...
Here and here:
I will release Lubuntu and Raspbianin about a week. Also will release u-boot and kernel . Thanks Igor for all the effort, I downloaded the debian images from your site and will start playing with them soon.
Currently I'm using the raspbian image. Hi,
Is it possible tomove root filesystem to nand flash or move all u-boot and filrsystem to nand right now ? Yes, with kernel 3.4 only and on A20 boards only.
You need to make use of Androids NAND uboot - if it's not there or if it's broken you need to re-install it. Check my blog - under Cubietruck. Here goes the same way.