fritz post at 2015-3-26 18:07:26


I dont see it on the usermanual
are there pin-outs somewhere on the boards?

zhao_steven post at 2015-3-27 06:20:48

Which model?

fritz post at 2015-3-27 12:49:08

Sorry I forgot to mention it.
Pi plus or in generaly the H3 boards.

fritz post at 2015-4-1 02:37:43

if it is not too late, make PA17 accessible or at least confirm that it is not possible.


jan.pal post at 2016-4-27 00:48:15

i have OPC and i am also very interested in SPDIF output... would really appreciate any hints on this. Where is PA17? Is it posible to connect coaxial to that pin?

rohoog post at 2023-11-1 01:31:50

This post was finally edited by rohoog at 2023-11-6 21:17

I have an OP Zero 2W and I see in the H616 manual that it should have the OWA block (spdif output) on pin PH4. This pin is available on the gpio 40 pin connector on pin 18. I see that for the H5 based boards, there is the dt overlay available in github repoorangepi-xunlong/linux-orangepi : sun50i-h5-spdif-out.dts.
I tried to modify the H5 overlay to suit the H616 base devicetree, but I get 'not found' errors. The error doesn't say _what_ it cannot find.
See the attached spdif.dts. Can anyone point what I did wrong?
Also I guess the ahubdam needs to arrange the 'connection' to the OWA, but I cannot see something obvious I should set in the alsamixer.

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