post at 2016-12-6 04:49:53
wow ..thanks
post at 2017-3-5 07:29:49
Hello everyone, I'm trying this project with a more orange one just configured with armbian Ubuntu Xenial Legacy 3.4.113 (version desktop), when downloading flask me an error
exactly you get this error message " could not import setuptools which is required to install from a source distribution. please install setuptools" will post a screen ... you have suggestions on how to proceed? thank you so much
post at 2017-3-5 16:35:13
apt install python-setuptools
post at 2017-3-16 16:11:31
Hi, I followed the guide and I managed to install everything correctly. I found a problem in the use: if I use 3.3V when switch to OFF, the tension appears to be 0V, and so everything is right. But if you use the 5V switch to OFF when the voltage drops to approximately 2V and not to 0V, how come? Can it be solved?
post at 2017-10-10 21:07:33
Hello everyone, after a while I resumed a more orange card test, now I've been able to advance, but I still can not access the webserver, I attach a video with the procedure, and always in this post a guideline that I followed the front page of this thread and a site listed
1) I installed the image "Armbian_5.30_Orangepione_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113_desktop.img" on a 16gb sd with the ethcer portable program
2) At the first booted user root and password 1234
(1234) immediately changed to a safer one
3) created alexp user and relative password
once in ubuntu ui, set Italian keyboard and started the terminal
then in series I executed the commands as a guide
that is
1.Install flask with this page.
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install flask
I created the file with writer and tried it, I can not get the test here already, cmq i went on
2.Install WiringPi-Python-OP Library from here.
git clone --recursive
cd WiringPi-Python-OP
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-setuptools swig
cd WiringPi
sudo ./build
at this point I continued with step n.3
3.Download webioOP.tar and put it in your OPI.
cd $ HOME / flask
tar xvf webioOP.tar
I created a flask name folder under home / alexp (HOME)
and pasted the previously downloaded file, executed by tar xcf webioOP.tar command from the terminal so I extracted the tar arch files in that folder
4.Start Python.
$ cd $ HOME / flask
$ sudo python ./
when I try to execute this step, when submitting sudo python ./, it sends me the following error (referring to attached photo)
how could I solve it, can anyone help me with a brief step by step explanation? thank you so much
I also uploaded a video on youtube with all the lines written and related messages that appear to me ... thank you again
post at 2017-10-10 21:58:00
Edited by nopnop2002 at 2017-10-10 22:01
You need this.
##Generate Bindings swig2.0 -python wiringpi.i or swig3.0 -thread -python wiringpi.i
##Build & install with sudo python install
Or Python 3: sudo python3 install
post at 2017-10-10 22:52:27
Edited by alexp1 at 2017-10-11 07:07
nopnop2002 replied at 2017-10-10 21:58
You need this.
hi , Nopnop2002 , i thank you very much for your help, pultroppo while i try to write the commands I come to video error messagesthe following when I write the first command
swig2.0 -python wiringpi.i sudo: swig2.0 : command not found
swig3.0 -thread -python wiringpi.i swig error : unrecognized option -thread
use"swig help for avaible option
sudo python3 installcan't open file "" : no such file or directory
if type in alexp@orangepione:/WiringPi-Python-OP/WiringPi
trackback (most recent call last):
file "" , line 3, in <module>
from setuptools import setup, find_packages, extension
ImportError: no module named "setuptools"
if type in alexp@orangepione:/WiringPi-Python-OP
if it can be helpful I tried to send these two commands from alex @ orangepione:
sudo apt update
and now when type
$ sudo python ./
sudo pip install wiringpi
photo link 2
Thanks again ...
***************************update: I managed to run the project. as soon as possible I try to make all the steps and write down the phases then I'll write in this hread the steps step by step for who might be in the situation of not being able to run the project again thanks to nopnop2002*******
post at 2017-10-11 06:23:56
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-setuptools swig
$ cd WiringPi-Python-OP
$ swig2.0 -python wiringpi.i
$ sudo python install
$ cd tests
$ sudo python
post at 2017-10-11 07:11:17
nopnop2002 replied at 2017-10-11 06:23
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-setuptools swig
Thank you so much, I believe that the key steps are exactly what you indicated, I read the message after updating my message before the success of the project .... thank you again and thank you for the great project that you donated it to everyone !! , in the coming days I will try to use relays and play games turn off lights etc .. thanks again
post at 2017-12-22 13:39:39
Good afternoon. I tried to do your instructions. Everything compiled, but does not want to work. Please tell me how to fix?
root@orangepipc:~/WiringPi-Python-OP# sudo python
Unable to determine hardware version. I see: Hardware : sun8i
- expecting BCM2708, BCM2709 or BCM2835.
If this is a genuine Raspberry Pi then please report this
to If this is not a Raspberry Pi then you
are on your own as wiringPi is designed to support the
Raspberry Pi ONLY.