gregj888 post at 2023-4-20 06:19:50

Orange Pi 3 LTS KiCAD foot print

Can anyone point me to a KiCAD footprint for the Orange Pi 3 LTS?

My Pi zero bonnet works nicely but need more space and USB 3 for the new version.



mkio post at 2023-7-24 23:18:05

I don't know if this will help you but I can tell you how I do it with OPI2 Zero, it's the method I use for my applications.

I import the DXF provided by orangePI into the Kikad user.drawing layer and I precisely set all the elements such as connectors and contours on the other Kikad layers (Fc.U Bc.U Edge.Cuts )
I don't know if this is the best method but it works perfectly
the DXFs are in mechanical
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